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PostOffice Member List

This is the complete list of members for PostOffice, including all inherited members.
addAddressToGroup(const POAddress &adr, const POAddress &group)PostOffice [slot]
addConnectedClient(POClient *client)PostOffice [slot]
clientClosed(const string &poname, const string &cname)PostOffice [signal]
closeGroup(const string &name)PostOffice [slot]
closePOBox(const string &name, bool dodelete=false)PostOffice [slot]
closePort(int port)PostOffice [slot]
connectClient(POClient *client)PostOffice [slot]
connectTo(const string &host, int port, bool block=true)PostOffice [slot]
getAllBoxes() const PostOffice [inline]
getAllClients() const PostOffice
getAllPostOffices()PostOffice [static]
getClient(const string &cname) const PostOffice
getGroup(const string &name, bool create=true, bool throw_exception=true)PostOffice
getName() const PostOffice [inline]
getPOBox(const string &boxname) const PostOffice
getPostOffice(const string &name)PostOffice [static]
hasMessage(const string &pobox_name)PostOffice
newClient(const string &poname, const string &cname)PostOffice [signal]
newClientPOBox(const string &cname, const string &boxname)PostOffice [slot]
newPOBox(const string &poname, const string &cname, const string &boxname)PostOffice [signal]
newPOBox(const string &poname, const string &boxname)PostOffice [signal]
popMessage(const string &pobox_name)PostOffice
portClosed(int port)PostOffice [signal]
portOpened(int port)PostOffice [signal]
PostOffice(const string &name)PostOffice
registerGroup(const string &name, bool throw_exception=true)PostOffice [slot]
registerPOBox(const string &name)PostOffice [slot]
removeAddressFromGroup(const POAddress &adr, const POAddress &group)PostOffice [slot]
sendMessage(const POMessage *msg, bool throw_exception=true)PostOffice [slot]
sendMessage(POMessage *msg, const string &from, const POAddress &to)PostOffice [slot]
servicePort(int port)PostOffice [slot]

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